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ODIN Voice

ODIN is a cross-platform software development kit (SDK) that enables developers to integrate real-time chat technology into multiplayer games, apps, and websites.


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Easy integration

ODIN can be easily integrated into all your apps, websites, games, and experiences with a couple of lines of code. As 4Players handles servers and maintenance for you, you'll have a production-ready voice chat and data synchronization layer implemented in your app in no time.

These examples give you an idea of how easy it is to implement ODIN in various programming languages. Please note that these are simplified examples; in real-world implementations, you'll have a few more lines for error handling.

Unity SDK

Our ODIN SDK is deeply integrated into Unity and features automatic 3D spatial audio. Use the tools you know like AudioSource and AudioListener or the built-in Unity AudioMixer for your voice chat integration. Manage all aspects of our Voice SDK within Unity and integrate it in a couple of hours into your game or XR experience.

Get Started with Unity

Watch video tutorial | Explore the docs | Download SDK

Why 4Players?

4Players has been hosting game and voice servers globally for decades. We know what developers need. We know what gamers want. We know how essential reliability, awesome voice quality, low CPU usage, zero FPS hit, noise suppression, and low latency are for a great voice chat experience, especially in immersive real-time applications like games.

VoIP veterans, server admins, gamers, and mod makers came together to create the essential in-game voice chat solution for Unity and Unreal Engine built on the latest software technologies like QUIC and HTTP3. You don't have to worry about maintenance, server hosting, or day-to-day operations. You don't have to learn anything new. You just leverage your Unity skills and focus on delivering the best game possible.

With support for spatial 3D audio as well as massive scalability, zero configuration, or bookkeeping, it has never been easier to utilize best-in-class voice chat for your games, video conferencing, and XR applications.

In addition, we also provide SDKs for various other platforms including the web with TypeScript and Vanilla JavaScript support and even console clients for automatic data processing. With ODIN, all your real-time data synchronization is solved and implemented in no time, whether it's pure data or voice.

Give it a try

We have created a couple of simple multiplayer experiences that allow you to play around with ODIN together with your friends and colleagues. Download the samples for Windows, Mac, or Linux and experience cross-platform 3D voice chat in a dynamic environment.

Open Source Sample

Download and test our PUN based multiplayer sample built with Unity complete with source and documentation. The sample also features many scripts for audio effects like damping and general bookkeeping stuff.

Download Sample
Multiplatform Showcase

Talk to other players with 3D positional voice and a walkie-talkie in multiple channels. We also feature a web-based commander that you can use to interact with players directly from your browser.

FPS Shooter

A simple but fun FPS shooter on desert style maps. ODIN 3D positional voice is integrated so that you can talk to other players with voice or radio broadcast in a real game. Have fun!

SwiftUI Sample

A simple but fully functional SwiftUI sample that leverages OdinKit to build an iOS app that allows you to chat with friends in no time.

First Steps

Begin with our Introduction to learn more about ODIN, how it works, and which benefits and key features we provide.

Game Engine Integration

If you're more into just experimenting, then choose your game engine and get started quickly with our quick and easy onboarding guides. You'll have a running example to experiment with in less than 20 minutes without any registration!


Use our deep Unity integration to add the most immersive in-game voice chat to your product with minimal development overhead.

Learn more
Unreal Engine

Our Unreal Engine plugin features full support for all available platforms and comes with Blueprint and C++ support.

Web/Apps Integration

ODIN is also available for the web. You can implement real-time voice with a couple of lines of code in your web-based applications and websites. Just add our NPM package with npm install @4players/odin to install. We also support vanilla JavaScript for those who don't like frameworks like Angular, React, or React Native.

More info can be found in our JavaScript SDK.

Swift/SwiftUI Integration

OdinKit provides easy real-time voice integration for iOS and macOS apps. Integration is as easy as a couple of lines of code. You can also use our SwiftUI sample to get started quickly.