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Version: 1.x

Namespace OdinNative.Unity.Events



This class provides the base functionality for UnityEvents based OdinNative.Odin.Room.RoomConnectionStateChangedEventHandler. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene. Unity Inspector event wrapper (UnityEvent)


This class provides the base functionality for UnityEvents based OdinNative.Odin.Room.MediaActiveStateChangedEventHandler. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene. Unity Inspector event wrapper (UnityEvent)


This class provides the base functionality for UnityEvents based OdinNative.Odin.Room.RoomMediaAddedEventHandler. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene. Unity Inspector event wrapper (UnityEvent)


This class provides the base functionality for UnityEvents based OdinNative.Odin.Room.RoomMediaRemovedEventHandler. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene. Unity Inspector event wrapper (UnityEvent)


This class provides the base functionality for UnityEvents based OdinNative.Odin.Room.RoomMessageReceivedEventHandler. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene. Unity Inspector event wrapper (UnityEvent)


This class provides the base functionality for UnityEvents based OdinNative.Odin.Room.RoomPeerJoinedEventHandler. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene. Unity Inspector event wrapper (UnityEvent)


This class provides the base functionality for UnityEvents based OdinNative.Odin.Room.RoomPeerLeftEventHandler. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene. Unity Inspector event wrapper (UnityEvent)


This class provides the base functionality for UnityEvents based OdinNative.Odin.Room.RoomPeerUserDataChangedEventHandler. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene. Unity Inspector event wrapper (UnityEvent)


This class provides the base functionality for ODIN SDK UnityEvents. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene.


This class provides the base functionality for ODIN SDK UnityEvents. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene.


This class provides the base functionality for ODIN SDK UnityEvents. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene.


This class provides the base functionality for ODIN SDK UnityEvents. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene.


This class provides the base functionality for UnityEvents based OdinNative.Odin.Room.RoomUserDataChangedEventHandler. A persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene. Unity Inspector event wrapper (UnityEvent)



Unity Inspector event wrapper (UnityEvent)